The tutorials below cover the most popular features of Video Kiosk. For comprehensive information, refer to the User’s Manual.
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Go to the Video Kiosk How-to Video Library
With its simple installation, you’ll have your video kiosk up and running in minutes, playing your content in a loop, unattended. The only thing you need to do is turn the screen on – Video Kiosk takes care of the rest.
Moving the Media to your Android Device
There are two ways you can move your files to your Android device(s):
- You can have Video Kiosk download the files from your computer to your Android devices using the integrated Cloud updating feature. This will update all your devices simultaneously.
How to Use the Cloud Update Feature - You can update your Android devices one at a time, using a USB cable and move the files from your computer to your Android device using the Android File Manager
Working with Media Types
Video Kiosk will display videos, images or web pages on an Android TV, tablet or phone.
Working with Display Modes
- Full Screen Mode. Video Kiosk will automatically play the content loop using the full playback screen unless you configure it otherwise.
- Split Screen Mode – for Digital Signage
- Interactive Kiosk Mode – Create a Touchscreen Interactive Kiosk
Controlling Playback
With video Kiosk, you can control both the order the Content Loop is played (Playback Order) as well as when the Content Loop is played (Playback Scheduling). Video Kiosk provides a number of options for controlling each.
Controlling the Playback Order of the Content Loop
- Controlling the Order using Filename
- Random Playback Order
- Controlling the Order using a Pickone file
- Controlling the Order using a Playlist
Scheduling the Playback Time
- Picking the Schedule Option that’s right for you
- Using Google Calendar to schedule Playback
- Using Android Calendar to schedule Playback
- Using a Schedule XML File to schedule Playback
Other Playback Control Options
Controlling the Display
Display features control how your content looks on the device.
- Adding a Background Image behind your content
- Adding a Background Audio Loop
- Adding a graphic overlay to display a graphic (like a Company logo in the corner of the screen)
- Changing Screen Orientation from the device default, to landscape, to portrait, etc. For more information, refer to the “Controlling Display” section of the Video Kiosk Users Manual
- Controlling Image Display – Image Display time, Image Fade time, Image scaling, re-sizing, display file name
- Controlling Video Display – Video Fade time, reducing black flash – a common problem on some devices
- Controlling Web Display – Page Fade time, pre-loading files
Remote Management
- Remote Management Reference Guide Because Video Kiosk was designed to be remotely managed, it supports both sending status reports to a URL and receiving responses. This makes it easy to integrate Video Kiosk remote devices into a management system. Video Kiosk Android examines the response to the HTTP/HTTPS POST for key value pairs that it will use to update the management interface settings.This Reference Guide explains the Remote Management Status Tracking interface which supports both sending status reports to a URL and receiving responses so you can integrate Video Kiosk remote devices into a management system.
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Video Kiosk Help
- Read the FAQ
- Read the Purchase FAQ
- Refer to the Tutorials
- Go to the Questions Forum
- Read the Video Kiosk User’s Manual
- If you have any questions, Contact Support