Turning off macOS 11 transparency 1

Today I installed macOS 11.0.1.  I went into the System Preferences to turn of the distraction of menu bar transparency.

How to do this has changed from previous versions of macOS.

The steps you must perform to turn off menu bar transparency on macOS 11 are:

  1. Apple menu > System Preferences…
    Mac System Preferences Screenshot
  2. Accessibility
    Mac System Preferences Screenshot
  3. Display
  4. Reduce transparency

Mac System Preferences Accessibility Screenshot


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One thought on “Turning off macOS 11 transparency

  • Olove

    Since a while i’m installing recent MacOS on older Macs with OpenCore Legacy Patcher. Reducing the strain on the graphics becomes interesting for these systems and i think i gained over 5% snappyness and 2-3% on idle by reducing transparency. Besides that the background color can make the menubar quite unreadable. Thnx for the tip!