Using Video Kiosk with Google Drive instead of Dropbox

Questions ForumCategory: Video Kiosk - AndroidUsing Video Kiosk with Google Drive instead of Dropbox
Kevin Gouvia asked 5 years ago

I have purchased licenses of Video Kiosk in the past using it with Android box A95X for Digital Signage.

However, because of company policies I can no longer use Dropbox and Dropsync with the Video Kiosk.

How can I build the same workflow with Google Drive instead of DropboxSync?

Please help!

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

There are several ways to do this:

  1. Change to Autosync Google Drive instead of Autosync Dropbox
  2. Use one of many other cloud download Apps
  3. Use the built in Video Kiosk > Settings > Google Drive download