Purchasing error

mmalcantara asked 5 years ago


I want to purchase the license for video kiosk but everytime I input my Google accounts’ password this “Something went wrong. Try again” error always shows up. Can you help me pass this problem?

Thank you

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

Google Play Store Payment Support

Google rejects many payments as potential fraud that it should not.  If your payment is rejected by the play store, please contact the Google Play support group so they can fix the problem and process your payment.

Click here to contact Google

As an alternate solution, please use the Volume Purchase form found here which uses paypal.com so that you can pay with any credit card.  Paypal will typically process payments that Google fails to handle.

If you have never used the Volume Purchase form, please read the tutorial to avoid common pitfalls.

mmalcantara replied 5 years ago

Problem solved! I used your alternate solution. Thank you!