How to Activate a Video Kiosk License

Questions ForumCategory: Video Kiosk - AndroidHow to Activate a Video Kiosk License
hephaistos asked 2 years ago


I bought a volume license for the app but cannot activate it.

The app takes the license but then activation isn’t possible and it still runs in trial mode.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the app.

Same procedure. But nothing changed.  How can i solve the problem ?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

To activate Video Kiosk the device MUST have Internet access. The best way to make sure the network is working correctly is to install Video Kiosk on the device from the Google Play Store.
If you are having issues, these are the steps to try:

  1. Uninstall Video Kiosk
  2. Reinstall Video Kiosk from the Google Play Store
  3. Open Video Kiosk
  4. Allow ALL permissions
  5. Add and choose the account you used to purchase the license OR install the license file
  6. Tap activate

There is a tutorial here.
If this does not solve the problem send a note along with the Android ID of the device to us at support at burningthumb dot com. We can look in the log files for the Android Id of the device to further diagnose the problem.