Video Kiosk Licensing

Questions ForumCategory: Video Kiosk - AndroidVideo Kiosk Licensing
hephaistos asked 3 years ago

Hello there,

I have licensed the Video Kiosk App on monitors in the past.

These monitors are out of use in the meantime because they don’t work anymore.

Now, I need to license the app on new monitors.

Is it possible to use the purchased licenses for the new monitors or do I need to buy new licenses?

Thank you for taking care.

Kind regards,

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 3 years ago

There are two kinds of licenses:

1. Perpetual

This is a one time purchase allocated to the Android ID. If the Android ID changes (factory reset, new device, etc.) while the license is active a new license needs to be purchased. If a device is working, and you want to swap the license, deactivate the license to free it up

2. Managed

This is a one time purchase plus $12 / year / device to connect to the management interface. When a license is activated you can specify the number of active days. Each time the device reports to the management server the license is extended by a day. If a device stops reporting (stops working, is reset) then after that number of days the license is freed up and can be used again. These device must be online and sending messages to the management server.

You can always convert from Perpetual licenses to Managed license.