Display Google slide via URL

Questions ForumCategory: Video Kiosk - AndroidDisplay Google slide via URL
javawerks asked 6 years ago

Hello Tech Support, I am displaying Google Slides Web presentation via URL. This works really well. However, when the internet fails, the display also goes. Is there a way to avoid this? Can this be set up so that the whole thing is local and be updated every 30 min but the important thing is to avoid a blank screen when network interrupts? Thanks

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

The solution to this is to install the latest version of Video Kiosk and then in the .url file use either:
Either of those settings should result in a cached copy of the pages being used if the network is not available.
If that does not solve the problem, please send me your .url file via email to burningthumb at gmail dot com so I can look at it on a device here.