I am attempting to run Video Kiosk in split screen mode.
I want to use the URL widget in Area B to display a web page. I have attempted to reference a URL with both an external web page and an local .url file that references a local .htm file. Neither of these methods have worked for me.
I understand the syntax of the .url file from your manual.
Could you please explain the parameters of the URL widget and how they should be formatted?
To add a URL do the following:
- Click the button titled [ + URL ]
- Enter the URL in the field hinted Display URL
You can leave all the other fields blank.
URLs are standard URLs like you would use in a web browser though you must include the http:// or file:// URL protocol specifiers (a web browsers will fill in http:// automatically if you don’t enter it but Video Kiosk will not – you must specify it).
Example URLs would be:
- https:burningthumb.com
- file:///sdcard/path/to/some/file.html
It can take a few seconds for a URL to load.
You can test the URL by typing it into a browser on the device, you should get the same results in Video Kiosk (again remembering you must include the http:// or the file:// prefix).
If you need more help, send an email to burningthumb at gmail dot com
Use .html, not .url files in URLs.
Still unable to make this work.
using 2017 Model GooBang Doo Android 6.0 TV Box
When I test it by typing it into the browser I get an error:
“local file has been blocked”
The file path looks correct, and permissions on the file are “rw- rw- —”
The file is synced to a folder on the device from a DropBox account using DropSync.
Please contact me by email at burningthumb at gmail dot com. I will need you to share your dropbox with me and tell me what the path on the device is so I can look at it on a device here.
problem solved.
Had the file path in the “Overlay URL” instead of the “Display URL”
Thank you for your detailed directions, they helped.