Playlist to control order and TIMING of individual slides

Questions ForumCategory: Video Kiosk - AndroidPlaylist to control order and TIMING of individual slides
Thomas Mimlitch asked 5 years ago

I would really like to control individual slides display time.  The M3U8 playllist does seem to have a time component in the
#EXTINF:123, Sample artist – Sample title

Where 123 is the play time in seconds.  Could you use this to control how long this slide is displayed?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

The playlist time is not used.  The way to do it is by embedding the time in the filename.  Its described on page 49 of the Users Manual:

The Image Display Time can be overridden by embedding the dot separated timeout=nnn string in a file name where nnn is the number of seconds for which the image should be displayed.

e.g. the image file “afternoontea-details.timeout=120.png” will be displayed for 120 seconds