Loop video from USB drive on Android TV

Questions ForumCategory: Video Kiosk - AndroidLoop video from USB drive on Android TV
josevictorino asked 7 years ago

Hello. Need to get guidance on how to purchase multiple licenses for Video Kiosk. I already have 2 licenses installed on 2 Android devices and will need to install on 69 more. Also, will it be possible to transfer the license from one device to another by deactivating it?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

To purchase multiple licenses send an email to burningthumb@gmail.com and include:

  1. the number of licenses
  2. the account that will be used to manage licenses (its shown on the Video Kiosk License Activation activity just above the Android ID)
  3. the email address to which the invoice should be sent

To transfer a license, make sure the same account has been added to both devices:

  1. On the old device use Video Kiosk > Settings > License > Deactivate
  2. On the new device touch the Activate button on the Video Kiosk License Activation activity screen