How are licenses activated

Questions ForumCategory: Video Kiosk - AndroidHow are licenses activated asked 1 year ago

I purchased 2 volume licenses this AM and they still have not pushed out to the devices.

The email I received said I could manually put in the licenses, however, there were not attachments or confirmations for my order to the registered email address.

Second question I have 8 or 10 licenses.  Is there anyway to associate the licenses to the user account I just created.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

When you purchase a license using Google Play it is added to the license server and automatically activated on the device.

When you purchase licenses using the volume purchase licenses are added to the license server and you need to manually add the account (or license file) to devices and activate the license.

When you purchase(d) licenses using the volume purchase you specify the account (or if no account use the license file option) that you want associated with the license.