How do I use Trash Compactor Mac?

Questions ForumCategory: Trash Compactor - MacHow do I use Trash Compactor Mac?
Donna W. Staff asked 8 years ago
1 Answers
Donna W. Staff answered 8 years ago
  1. Open the app and click the Settings Tab
  2. Install Trash Compactor. There’s instructions with the app (Download Now)
  3. To change the settings, click the Settings tab.
    • If you want to have it run automatically, Check “Run automatically in the background”
    • Using “Check for new trash to compact every”, enter how often you’d like Trash Compactor to compact new trash
    • If you want Trash Compactor to automatically empty the trash, check the “Delete compacted files after” checkbox and enter how long you’d like Trash Compactor to wait before emptying the trash. (This gives you time to really be sure the item is trash before it’s deleted.)
      If you don’t want Trash Compactor to ever empty the trash, uncheck this checkbox.
    • If you want Trash Compactor to automatically secure empty the trash,
      • check the “Delete compacted files after” checkbox and checkbox and enter how often long you’d like Trash Compactor to wait before emptying the trash
      • check the “secure delete to overwrite files” checkbox and set the overwrite pattern (1 pass random, 7 pass Department of Defense compliant, 35 pass Gutmann)
    • Using “Compress items using this archive format”, choose an archive format to use when compressing trash (7z or zip)
  4. Close the Trash Compactor pane.